
2016-03-30 00:00:00伟杰 SSAT

  80, toil 苦干to work long and hard

  81, adept 熟练的highly proficient or expert

  82, browbeat 吓唬to bully or intimidate

  83, contrition 痛悔;悔悟feelings of guilt and remorse

  84, disparage 蔑视;贬低to refer disapprovingly to somebody or something

  85, exquisite 精致的;高雅的very beautiful and delicate

  86, hoary 灰白的gray or white; ancient

  87, interpose 插入to insert between what is saying or doing

  88, laden 充满的carrying a heavy load or burdened mentally

  89, pact 契约an agreement

  90, tome 卷,册a large book, especially one made up of several volumes

  91, adamant 坚硬的,坚定的very determined, steadfast

  92, brig 船上的禁闭室a part of ship that is used as a prison

  93, excavate 挖掘to dig

  94, hovel 小屋a small, dirty, or poorly built house

  95, interlude 中间曲;穿插;幕间节目a relatively short period of time between two longer periods

  96, keen 敏锐的,强烈的eager, sharp, or intense

  97, lackluster 无光泽的,平凡的 lacking luster or vitality

  98, ostentatious 炫耀的showy

  99, retrospect 回顾the remembering of past events

  100, thrifty 节俭的frugal, economical


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