
2017-03-07 00:00:00云梦 英语四级

  2) 效率:efficient, efficiently, efficiency

  相关话题:计算机和高科技(high-tech devices)减轻了体力劳动(manual labor),解放了人类(liberate humans),让人们有更多的时间从事其他的事情(more time are spent on other necessary matters)等,例如:

  Advertisements build an efficient and direct link between manufacturers and customers.

  Modern science and technology make our lives more efficient. A phone call, an e-mail or a fax can all bring people closer and make the world smaller.

  3) 节省和浪费:save time, save money, save space, economical, frugal, frugality; thrift, thrifty waste timemoneyspace, costly, time-consuming, lavish, 例如:

  This will help them realize that it is not easy to make money and form the good habit of frugality.

  There are many other ways for people to know commodities, so it is a waste to invest large sums of money in making advertisements on TV.

  As for the young and middle-aged, they should make better use of their prime years instead of spending so much time raising pets.

  It’s a costly and time-consuming hobby. China is a developing country and many people are still below the poverty line. Some children of the right age in poverty-stricken areas can’t afford to go to school.

  … will be great extravagance of time, energy and money.

  4) 心理与性格:mental health, spiritual health, psychological health, personality, character

  好的性格 independent, independence, independently, cooperate, cooperative, cooperation, compete, competitive, competition, team spirit, considerate, confident, confidence, confidently, ambition, ambitious, individuality, tolerance, sociable, perseverance, deal with/solve problems by themselves (independent), optimistic

  坏的性格 overbearing(专横的,傲慢的), selfish, conservative, isolated, conceited(自以为是的), egotistic(自我本位的), arrogant, domineering(作威作福的),overzealous(过分热心的),nihilist(虚无主义的),opportunistic(机会主义的),pessimistic

  性格的养成:cultivate, foster, develop, encourage, enrich, improve, enhance

  5) 丰富的生活:pleasure, joy, recreation, entertain, entertaining, entertainment, leisure time, interesting, relax, relaxed, relaxation. 对立面:dull, monotonous, tired, bored, tiredness, boring, tiring, fatigue, lonely, loneliness, weary, weariness, too much stress from work(工作压力大),leisure time(业余时间增多),例如:

  Gazing at the cold flickering screen is a disinteresting and tiring experience. It is not a good way to relax.

  Some advertisements are of high artistic value, original and well designed; therefore they add to the beauty of our lives.

  Raising pets is beneficial and joyful.

  6) 环境:environment, environmental, pollute, polluted, pollution, pollutant, poisonous, contaminate, contamination, contaminated, contaminant, dirty, hygiene(卫生),nature(自然)、on good terms with(和谐相处),ruin, destroy(破坏),例如:

  Some leaflets and handouts are scattered here and there, polluting the environment.

  Some people are destroying our earth by overexploiting the natural resources for immediate interests.

  Too many cars running on the streets lead to air pollution and noise pollution.

  By using the Internet, we can save our natural resources such as forests. It is much more environmentally friendly. The traditional form of books consumes too much wood.


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