
2016-10-11 00:00:00肖兰‍ 成考高起本


  第1题单选 _______

  A. comb

  B. Globe

  C. Smoke

  D. clock

  第2题单选 _______

  A. Explain

  B. Extent

  C. Exhausted

  D. expand

  第3题单选 _______

  A. Humble

  B. hotel

  C. Honesty

  D. horizon


  A. shoes

  B. Goes

  C. Does

  D. noses

  第5题单选 _______

  A. chimney

  B. chicken

  C. Chemistry

  D. chairman


  第6题单选 In China,_______bicycle is _______popular means of transportation.

  A. the;a

  B. a;不填 ,

  C. the;the

  D. a;the

  第7题单选 Where is the farm_______your brother is working?

  A. that

  B. Which

  C. on which

  D. in which

  第8题单选 The volleyball match will be put off if it________

  A. will rain

  B. Rained

  C. Rains

  D. is raining

  第9题单选 He had a wonderful childhood,_______with his mother to all comers of the world.

  A. travel

  B. to travel

  C. Traveled

  D. traveling

  第10题单选 Jack described his father,who_________ a brave boy many years ago,as a strong-willed man.

  A. would be

  B. would have been

  C. must be

  D. must have been

  第11题单选 Send my regards to your wife when you________home.

  A. Wrote

  B. will write

  C. have written

  D. write

  第12题单选 Where_______in the past three years?

  A. had you gone

  B. have you gone

  C. did you go

  D. have you been

  第13题单选 Drunk driving,which was once a________occurrence, is now under control.

  A. General

  B. frequent

  C. Normal

  D. particular

  第14题单选 He suddenly returned________a rainy nigh.

  A. at

  B. On

  C. In

  D. during

  第15题单选 Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, _______supplies to Yushu, Qinghaiprovince after the earthquake.

  A. sending

  B. to send

  C. having sent

  D. to have sent

  第16题单选 Students must be taught how to deal with dangerous________

  A. States

  B. Conditions

  C. Situations

  D. positions

  第17题单选 When the president and his delegation left the country,_______of people were at the airport to

  A. thousand ; see off them

  B. thousands ; see off them

  C. thousand ; see them off

  D. thousands ; see them off

  第18题单选 --I'm terribly sorry that I made your table cloth dirty.


  A. Never mind

  B. Don' t mention it

  C. That' s all right

  D. Sorry

  第19题单选 Although he is considered a great writer,_______his works are not widely read.

  A. But

  B. however

  C. And

  D. 不填

  第20题单选 Would you mind_______I smoke here?

  A. That

  B. when

  C. Because

  D. if



  Brighton is a popular seaside town on the south coast of England. Not long ago, some policemen were very21. There had been several serious accidents 22 by motorists driving too fast. The police

  started to set up a speed trap(速度监视器). They measured23of 88 yards on a straight road and watched to see 24 a car took to 25 that far. They knew that if a ear took six mseconds,it was traveling faster26 the27 limit of 30 miles an hour.

  When the policemen were ready, they hid28 a hedge ( 树篱) and started to time passing

  cars. During their first half an hour, they caught five drivers. The policemen wrote down the 29 of each car and the name and address of the driver. But for the next half an hour the policemen didn' t

  see anybody 30 too fast. They thought that this was very 31. One of them drove a quarter of a mile along the road and saw two students 32 on the grass, They were holding up a sheet of cupboard so

  that motorists cotdd see it. On the notice one of the students 33:"Danger. Speed trap. "

  The policemen took the notice away and wrote down the names of the students. Later on they were each fined5 for 34 to stop the police catching motorists who were 35 the law.


  A. pleased

  B. excited

  C. delighted

  D. puzzled


  A. made

  B. experimented

  C. researched

  D. caused


  A. a way

  B. a distance

  C. a path

  D. a highway


  A. how long

  B. how far

  C. how soon

  D. how often


  A. walk

  B. fly

  C. cross

  D. travel


  A. than

  B. less than

  C. the same as

  D. no less than


  A. time

  B. speed

  C. expense

  D. area


  A. over

  B. behind

  C. across

  D. under


  A. sign

  B. signal

  C. number

  D. shape


  A. running

  B. walking

  C. driving

  D. climbing


  A. common

  B. usual

  C. ordinary

  D. strange


  A. seat

  B. seating

  C. sitting

  D. sit


  A. writes

  B. was writing

  C. has written

  D. had written


  A. trying

  B. lying

  C. tying

  D. frying


  A. obeying

  B. studying

  C. keeping to

  D. breaking









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