
2017-03-15 00:00:00云梦 英语口译

  What do you think is the best?

  Don't you think so? 你不是要认为吗?

  Can't you see it?

  Do you agree? 你同意吗?

  Give me a definite answer. *明确的


  I want a definite answer.

  I need a definite answer.

  Is it “yes”or “no”? 是.还是不是? /Yes, or no?

  It doesn't answer my question.


  That's no answer.

  That's not what I want to know.

  You didn't answer my question.

  I'm running for mayor.我的目标是当市长

  You don't stand a chance.有希望、有可能(你没有希望赢.)

  It's the last straw. 我已经忍无可忍了*谚语

  That's it. /It's the end. /It's the limit.

  I can't take it anymore.

  Let me hear your candid opinion. *直率的(让我听听的的直言.)

  Please tell me what you honestly think.

  Can you think of anything better?


  Have you got a better idea?

  Any complaints? 有什么不满意的吗?

  No, I'm satisfied.

  Do you have any complaints to make?

  Do u have anything to complain about?

  What is your complaint?你不满意什么?

  What are your complaints?

  What are you dissatisfied with?

  I'm fairly broad-minded. 心胸宽阔,气量大(我是个有度量的人.)

  I went out with a gorgeous girl last night.

  That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon. 这是一个难得的机会 *稀少


  That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon.

  What do you think?

  In my opinion,照我的想法.. we need to cut costs.

  What I meant was... ./ What I wanted to say was... /I think... 我的意思是..

  Do you mean fire people?

  No, what I meant was we need to use cheaper materials.

  I think so. /I don't think so. 我想是的./我想不是.

  I think it is a matter of opinion. 我认为这要看个人的看法.

  I think that depends on one's opinion.

  It's not important. 那并不重要.

  That's a good idea. 那是个好主意.

  That's not true. 那是胡说.

  That's right! 对了!没错!

  I can't afford it. 我可负担不起.

  It's worth a look. 值得一看.

  You see, we need to stay competitive. 你看,我们必须在竞争中坚持住

  The reason is...

  Let's get this straight. 我得先把话说清楚

  Let's get this straight, I'm the boss.

  I would not do that. 我是不会做那种事的

  I wouldn't do that.

  I wouldn't ever do that.

  I'm not the kind of person who would do that.

  I believe you.

  You ain't seen nothing yet. =You haven't seen anything yet. 你还没看到呢、还有更厉害的呢

  Shibuya is very crowded.

  You ain't seen nothing yet. You should see Shinjuku.

  One more hand. 再玩一次吧

  Let's leave well enough alone. 够了,到此为止吧! /不要画蛇添足了.

  Let's quit while we're ahead.

  It must be my imagination. 肯定是我的幻觉.

  Tax cuts are a good idea. But, in the long run,从长远的看. it's not good for the country.


  I forgot to lock the door.

  Why? /How come? *比why?还要口语

  I didn't like the movie. --How come?

  I think she's in love with you.

  What makes you think that?你怎会那么想呢?

  Why do you say that?

  Why do you think that?

  Tell me why.告诉我为什么.

  What's the reason? 理由是什么?

  My car broke down.

  How did it happen? 怎么回事?

  How did that happen?

  What are you doing this for? 你干嘛要做这种事呢?

  Why are you doing this?

  What's the reason you're doing this?

  Why are you doing something like this?

  Why did you do that?你为什么要干那样的事呢?

  I didn't know I wasn't supposed to. 我不知道不能这样做

  What made you do that?

  Why did you do something like that?

  How could you? /How could u do that?

  The river is getting dirty.

  What causes it? 是什么原因呢?/ What is it caused by?

  Air pollution.

  Explain it to me.请给我解释一下.

  You'd better start explaining.

  You can't wear the red pants. 裤子

  Why not? 为什么不行?They're my favorite.

  Why can't I?

  Is there a reason?

  What are you so happy about?你怎么那么高兴?

  It's a wonderful day.

  You seem especially happy today.

  What makes you so happy?

  I made this big box!

  What for? 为了什么?/

  For what? 为了谁?/

  What is this for? 干什么用? 因为什么?

  I bought this gift today.

  For who? /Who is it for?

  What's the purpose of your visit? 你旅行的目的是什么?

  What brought you here? 为什么来这儿?

  Why do you want to do that?

  No reason not to.没有理由不这样做吧. /Why shouldn't I? /Why not? /What's wrong with it? 为什么不

  Why are you here? 你怎么在这.

  I'll tell you why...我告诉你为什么.

  This is the reason why...

  In brief, it's like this. 总之,是这么回事

  In short, it's like this. /In a word, it's like this. /To sum up, it's like this.

  How did Edison make the light bulb?

  It started like this... 它的由来是这样的…

  This is its history...

  This is the way it began...

  Why doesn't it work?

  You have to turn it on first.

  Oh, that's why! 哦,原来如此!

  That's why I like her.所以.....我喜欢她 --I see.


  I think you're mistaken.我觉得你错了.

  I think you've been misled.

  That man is Mr. Smith.

  You're wrong.你错了. He's Mr. Sheehan.

  You're incorrect.

  Whose fault is that?那事谁的错呀? /Whose fault is it?

  Who's to blame?

  I think it's sour grapes.吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸

  I think it's a case of sour grapes.

  Should I buy a red car or a blue car?

  That's up to u.那随你的便 /You choose. /You decide.

  He's poor because he's lazy.

  That's not the point. 你没说到点上.

  That's not the issue.

  That's not what I'm talking about.

  Excuse me. That's mine.对不起,那是我的.

  That doesn't belong to you.

  Excuse me, that's not yours.

  I think that belongs to me.


上一篇:圣诞节期间的英语对话 下一篇:恋爱结婚是常用的英语口语