
2017-03-15 00:00:00云梦 英语口译


  May I help?要我帮忙吗?

  Sure. If you don't mind.

  Do you want any help? /Need any help? /Need a hand? /Do you need a hand? /Can I give you a hand? /Do you need some help?

  Can I help you carry that?

  Think twice before you decide.


  How about this one?

  What about this one?这个怎么样?

  It's the same price.

  I want to make a suggestion.


  I want to offer a suggestion.

  Let's take a short cut. *近路,捷径


  Let's go a shorter way.

  Let's play hooky! /Let's skip school! /Let's cut class! /Let's ditch school!逃学(咱们逃学吧.)

  Let's call in sick. 打电话请个病假吧.

  Let's play cards! 玩扑克吧!

  I have an idea.我有个主意. /I've got it. /I have come up with an idea. /I have a good idea.

  What is it?

  Tell you what. =I'll tell you what.怎么样?

  Tell you what. Why don't you come to my house now? 这样怎么样?你现在就来我家一趟,怎么样?

  Okay. /Let me think for a moment. 让我考虑一下.

  I don't know what to say.

  Just think about it. 你好好想想.

  You should get a haircut.你该理理你的头发了.

  You should cut your hair.

  You need a hair cut.

  Won't you join us? 你也一起来吧?

  Why don't u come along?我们一起去吧?

  What do you suggest?你有什么建议吗?

  What is your suggestion?

  Wanna make a bet? 打赌? Wanna =Do you want to..

  You're on! 行啊

  Do you want to bet?

  Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

  Let's bet on it.

  Want to bet?

  I suggest you take a taxi.



  Yes? /Can I help you?有事吗?

  Excuse me.

  What can I do for you?

  Sure. What is it? 可以,什么事?

  Sure, what can I do?

  Sure. How can I help?

  Any problems?有什么问题吗?

  Is there a problem?

  What seems to be the problem?

  Anything wrong?

  What's the matter?怎么了?

  I don't feel well.

  Did you finish the report? --Of course. 当然!

  Wanna come to my party? --Of course.

  Sure. /Okay. /Certainly. /Sure thing. /For sure. /Surely.

  No way. 绝对不行

  Could you give me a hand?

  No problem. /There's no problem.没问题.

  All right. /Sure. /Absolutely. /Certainly.

  My pleasure.

  Whose idea is it? 这是谁的主意?

  Would you like to try?

  Yes, thank you. /No, thank you.


  Would you like some more?

  Yes, please.是的.拜托您了.

  May I? 我可以<先……〉吗?

  Go ahead.您请 /After you. 您先请...

  Thank you for the report.

  My pleasure. 这是我的荣幸./It's my pleasure. /I'd be happy to. /It's no problem.

  Should we have more drinks?

  Why not? 当然 /No reason not to.

  Would you mind if I smoked?

  No, not at all. 没关系 .

  Do your homework now.

  I will. / I'm going to. / I'll do it.这就做

  Get it? 明白了吗?

  Got it! 明白 / Got you.

  I hate to ask you for help, but...

  Say no more. 不用多说了,(就交给我吧)

  Be my guest. /Don't worry about it. /I'll take care of it. /Leave it up to me.

  I like your apartment.

  Make yourself at home. 就像在自己家里一样.

  I'd be happy to help you.很高兴为您效劳.

  That's alright. 谢谢!不用了

  I'd be more than happy to help you.

  I'd like more water, please.

  Certainly. 遵命 *愉快地、感到荣幸的

  I think we should do it this way.

  Whatever you say. 照您说的做

  You're the boss. 您是头儿,您定吧!

  You're in control.

  Would you help me out?

  Anything for you. /I'll do anything for u.


  It's due tomorrow.

  I'll take care of it. 交给我吧!

  I'll handle it. /Leave it to me.

  You can count on me. *指望、依靠

  You can leave it up to me.

  Are you coming?

  Count me in. /I'm in. /I'm into it.算我一个

  Count me out. 我不做 /别把我算上

  I have to leave early today.

  Okay. I'll do the rest. 剩下的就交给我/I'll finish up.

  I'll take care of the rest of it.

  Is it a deal? 这样行吗?

  Deal. 行,就这么着

  I'll cook if you do the dishes. Deal? -Deal.

  It's a deal. /That's a deal! /That will do.

  No deal.

  If you do that, you'll get fired.

  I'll do it no matter what. *无论怎样


  I'll do it regardless of circumstances.

  Nothing will stop me from doing it.

  Nothing will get in my way of...

  How did you do that?

  It's quite easy. /It's pretty simple. /It's really easy. 这相当简单.

  That looks hard.

  It's nothing. /It's a cinch. /It's a piece of cake. 没什么、很简单

  Would you like some coffee?

  That would be great. 那太好了.

  That would be perfect.

  That would hit the spot.

  That's exactly what I want.

  I'll help.

  Would you? /Could you? 行吗?

  Let's play mah-jong. 麻将

  You're on! 好吧! /Okay. /Sounds good.

  I'll take you up on that offer.

  Let's get moving.

  You've got a deal.

  Would you like some help?

  Excuse me. May I help you?

  Sure. If you don't mind.

  If it's no trouble.

  If you wouldn't mind. 如果不给您添麻烦的话.

  Thank you for everything.

  Anytime. *随时为您效劳

  What would you like to drink?

  Anything. 什么都行 .

  We should take a trip.

  Let's do it!我们做吧!

  Let's not. 算了吧!

  I want that.

  Your wish is my command. 满足你的要求

  Anything you say.

  I wanna make all ur dreams come true.

  I'm here to please you.

  How's this?

  That will do. 可以呀

  That's good enough.

  Anything'll do. 什么都行

  Anywhere'll do. 哪儿都行

  Should I make more?

  That'll be enough. 足够了./That's enough. /That will do for now.

  Can I talk to you?

  Sure, what's it about? 当然,什么事?

  May I have your phone number?


  Sure, it's 1212-1212.

  Your number, please?

  May I have your number?

  Could I have your number?


  Could you work overtime tonight?

  I wish I could, but... 我希望可以.但是....

  I'd love to, but...

  I want you to do it now.

  I won't. 我不愿意.

  Do you need help?

  No, thank you. /No, thanks. 不.谢谢.

  Yes, thank you.

  Can we go?

  No, I don't think so. 我想不行/我不这样认为./I don't believe so.

  Here you are.

  I don't want it. 我不要

  Take one.

  I really don't want it. 真的不要.

  Where is the ABC Hotel?

  I'm sorry I can't help you.真抱歉,我不能帮助您.

  I'm sorry I can't assist you.

  I'm sorry I can't be any help.

  I'm against his proposal.我反对他的建议.

  Could you help me get a job?

  I wish I could help you, but I can't.



上一篇:住酒店常用的英语口语 下一篇:走在路上可能会用的英语口语