
2017-03-06 00:00:00云梦 英语笔译

  4,“为人作事”采用意译的方法,译为conduct oneself(即为人处世)

  5,“一老就觉得自己不行”意即“因为年迈就觉得自己一无是处”译为Calling yourself a good-for-nothing on account of age



  The same is true of a nation. Self-confidence has a lot to do with its rise and fall. Unlike us Chinese, Westerners usually go in for great undertakings in late life. The recent cases of two Western senior politicians set a good example for us and serve to give us a shot in the arm. One was 72-year-old US secretary of state Cordell Hull, who went to Moscow to attend the 3-power conference in the limelight of the world. The other was former British prime minister Lloyd George, who got married at the age of 81. Their activities afforded proof of their vitality and youthful spirit. The way to live a meaningful life and fully utilize the transient days of one’s life is by continuing to work vigorously in old age rather than retire.


  1,“自馁”即“丧失勇气和信心”,译者并没有将“自馁精神”直接译作losing confidence,而是转换角度,将整句话处理为“信心对民族兴衰有很大关系”。

  2,“正可给我们打一针兴奋剂”译为serve to give us a shot in the arm,其中“to give us a shot in the arm”意为“给某人打气(或刺激,鼓励等)”

  3,“证明”此处译为afford proof of

  4,“老了还活泼的干,不必退休去等死,这人生才有意味,才没枉过“吾生也有涯”的岁月。”可看做是一个“事实+评论”句,按英文的“先评论后事实”的行文顺序进行组织,译为The way to live a meaningful life and fully utilize the transient days of one’s life is by continuing to work vigorously in old age rather than retire.

  5,“没枉过‘吾生也有涯’的岁月”意即“没有浪费短暂的一生”从正面译为fully utilize the transient days of one’s life



  Our national cause now rests, for the most part, on the shoulders of our middle-aged men—men in their forties or fifties. Middle-aged fellow countrymen, roll up your sleeves to strive for our distant goal!


  1,“在…手上”=rest on the shoulder of

  2,“中年人干吧”译为Middle-aged fellow countrymen, roll up your sleeves,其中roll up your




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