
2017-03-06 00:00:00云梦 英语笔译

  马拉松赛跑是考验人的意志和力量的竞技运动。最后一圈是拼搏的时刻。第一个到达终点的优胜者,迎来阵阵掌声和热烈欢呼,屏幕上闪耀着他创造的记录。下面是小编分享的张培基英译散文赏析之《最后一圈 》,欢迎大家阅读!


  The Last Lap


  He Wei

  | 译文摘自张培基《英译中国散文选二》


  Back in the late 1970s, I received a letter from Xiao Qian (1), in which he said, “I shouldn’t slacken off on this last lap of my life.” I was deeply touched and have remembered his words to this day. Last year, when I read his I’m an Octogenarian, in which he said, “Having covered more than half of this lap, I’m now close to the finishing line,” I was even more touched and seized with a feeling of sadness. To my great delight, however, his last lap, having lasted, as I figure out, for more than a decade now, is very long and fruitful. Judging by his strong will and broad-mindedness, the finishing line should undoubtedly be somewhere in the coming 21st century.



  2,“要跑好人生的最后一圈”译为I shouldn’t slacken off on this last lap of my life.译者采用反面叙述的方法,其中slacken off 作“松劲”,“懈怠”讲。此句也可从正面译为I should make a success of this last lap of my life.

  3,“《八十自省》”译为I’m an Octogenarian,其中Octogenarian意为“八旬老人”,书中还给出另一种译法,为I’ve Completed My 80th Birthday.

  4,“感慨万千,不胜惆怅”中的“感慨万千”意即“感触颇深”译为I was even more touched,“不胜惆怅”即“十分伤感”译为(be)seized with a feeling of sadness.



  Meanwhile, the last lap of human life has reminded me of the marathon race. According to legend, when the ancient Greeks defeated the invaders at Marathon (2), a Greek soldier is believed to have run nonstop from Marathon to Athens, a distance of 42, 195 metres, to announce the Athenian victory at the battlefield. Unfortunately, after making the announcement, he dropped dead from exhaustion. He was not only the courier carrying news of the Greek victory, but also the winner of the record journey. Now the long-distance foot race of the same distance has been named after the Battle of Marathon to commemorate the legendary feat of the Greek soldier.


  1,“古希腊人在马拉松地方战胜敌军……”是一个传说,因此增译According to legend,下文增译“is believed to”也一样,同legend相呼应。

  2,“一鼓作气跑毕四万二千一百九十五米的路程,到了雅典…”转化说法,即“他一鼓作气从战场跑回了雅典,全程…米”译为to have run nonstop from Marathon to Athens, a distance of 42, 195 metres, 这样比较符合英语行文的习惯,“一鼓作气”即“没有停顿”译为nonstop。

  3,“他带去胜利的信息,他又是长途跋涉的胜利者,后人将这一距离的竞赛项目称为马拉松赛跑,作为纪念。”采用分译法,译为He was not only the courier carrying news of the Greek victory, but also the winner of the record journey. Now the long-distance foot race of the same distance has been named after the Battle of Marathon to commemorate the legendary feat of the Greek soldier. 其中“作为纪念”意即“纪念该希腊士兵的传奇功绩”,故译为to commemorate the legendary feat of the Greek soldier。



  The marathon race is a sports event testing man’s endurance and strength. Runners start from the same starting line and on the seemingly endless track the gap gradually widens between the strong and the weak. The last lap always witnesses the runners going all out to win success. The first to reach the finishing line is showered with warm applause and acclamation while the new record he or she has created is flashing across the screen.


  1,“人的意志”即“人的耐力”不宜译为willpower,可译为man’s endurance

  2,“一眼望不到尽头的”=seemingly endless

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