
2017-03-09 00:00:00云梦 英语笔译

  4,“笑语纷纭之中,我们一下子就很熟悉很亲热了”译为Thus, between laughter and chat, we came to know each other better and were soon on friendly terms.,其中between 是“由于….与…的共同作用”=because of …and … combined

  在《背影》中我们也见过between 的类似用法,如:“一半为了丧事,一半为了父亲的赋闲“译为” Between grandma’s funeral and father’s unemployment“,当时的between…and…意为“半因…,半因…”,其实用法和这里是一样的

  5,“思想沟通了,我们彼此也比较满意”意即“我们都比较满意这种直接的观点上的交流”译为And we would both feel pleased with the frank exchange of views.


  I also offered a course on advanced writing, which was an elective for students above the freshman level. It gave them trailing in different genres of literary writing, such as fiction, poetry, correspondence and sometimes translations. For the end-of-term examination, I had them each hand in a self-edited magazine specializing in any subjects, such as fine arts, sports, etc. and complete with well designed from cover, aim of its publication, photos, etc. Students of the same class could solicit contributions or photos from each other, or from students of other classes. They called it an interesting try. The magazines they handed it by the end of the term were very lively and encouraging, each having its content quite in line with its title.


  1,“开课”即offer a course

  2,” 让他们每人交一本刊物”意即“让每人交一本自编的刊物”,译为I had them each hand in a self-edited magazine,“让某人做某事”即have sb done, self-edited译为“自编的”属增益成分

  3“学生们都觉得这很新鲜有趣”可按“他们都对这尝试感到有趣”译为They called it an interesting try,

  4,“但必须有封面图案、本刊宗旨、文章、相片等等”意即“完成品必须有设计良好的封面图案、本刊宗旨、文章、相片等等”译为and complete with well designed from cover, aim of its publication, photos, etc

  5,” 活泼可喜”译为lively and encouraging,其中“可喜的”意即“值得高兴的,振奋人心的”译为encouraging


  In recalling my past career as a teacher, I always think fondly of the intimate friendship between the students and me. In those days, teachers and students all lived on campus, which greatly facilitated our after-school contact. We often went boating on the Weiming Lake, or had discussions about various things on the marble boat by the island in the middle of the Lake, or had heart-to-heart private talks about, for instance, job selections or marriage. At this moment the images of quite a few couples, such as Zheng Linzhuang and Wu Ruiwu, Lin Yaohua and Rao Yusu, etc. suddenly appear in my mind’s eye. I attended some of their wedding ceremonies in my capacity as a go-between. Sometimes, preparatory to making a match, I had the parents of both parties meet each other at a dinner I gave. All that took place over half a century ago, and now, alas, more than half of them have gone to another world before me. I feel very had about it indeed.


  It’s time for me to stop writing now. I’ve not been talking solely about “students respecting teachers” or “teachers cherishing students” because, to my mind, teachers and students should be friends with mutual respect and love.


  1,”回忆起那几年的教学生涯“中的“回忆”又使用了recall这个词,迄今为止,我们见过的表“回顾,回忆,回想”的词,已经可以总结成一个系列了有look back on,in retrospection,还有这次的in recalling sth

  2,“课外的接触十分频繁“即“便于我们的课外接触”译为which greatly facilitated our after-school contact.

  3,“有的是由我出面宴请双方的家长,为他们撮合“,中的“撮合”即“配对”译为make a match ,整句话译作Sometimes, preparatory to making a match, I had the parents of both parties meet each other at a dinner I gave

  4,“他们中有过半数的人已先我而进入另一个世界”译为and now, alas, more than half of them have gone to another world before me.其中alas意为“哎呀”表示一种悲伤或遗憾的语气,是译者后来加的

  5,“我心里有说不出的一种滋味”,此句是作者表达“无奈,失落,悲伤“的常用句,我们要根据语境将他们所要表达的感情译出,此处作者的感情应是悲伤的,故译作I feel very had about it indeed.


上一篇:叶圣陶散文看月英译赏析 下一篇:散文我对运动会的感想赏析