
2017-03-06 00:00:00云梦 英语笔译



  The Cricket


  Wu Guangzhong

  | 译文摘自张培基《英译中国散文选二》


  Grey-templed as I'm, I still always keep myself occupied. Everyday I bustle about town having little time to indulge in pleasant reminiscences of how I used to catch crickets in my childhood. One day, however, my wife and I were pleasantly surprised by the sudden chirping of a cricket in our apartment. How did it get into this tall building? As the sound seemed to come from a corner of our kitchen, I guessed it had probably come with the vegetables my wife bought from the food market.


  1,“鬓发斑斑”=grey- templed =grey – haird;另“忙碌”的新表达keep oneself preoccupied

  2,”然而…“译为one day , however…或the other day, however …,one day和the other day是增益成分,起承上启下的作用

  3,“高楼里哪来的蟋蟀”即“这声音是如何进到大楼里的?“译为How did it get into this tall building?

  4,“那声音似乎发自厨房的一角,我想可能是老伴买蔬菜时夹带回来的。“两句有隐含的因果关系,译为As the sound seemed to come from a corner of our kitchen, I guessed it had probably come with the vegetables my wife bought from the food market.


  On Sunday, when our youngest granddaughter Xiao Qu was with us, the cricket started chirping again at supper time with a rising clear and loud sound like in a performance. Xiao Qu was overjoyed and stopped eating as she was eager to catch the insect. Torch in hand, I found my way to a corner of the kitchen by tracing the sound and then cleared away everything in the way, like brooms, discarded outer leaves of vegetables, leftovers, waster paper, used empty bottles, etc. until my eyes fell on a big cricket on the damp cement floor near a water pipe. It stayed still as I lit it up with the torch. So I got it easily. The whole family was wild with joy. I put into an empty colour-tube cardboard box and handed it to my granddaughter. But she said she wanted to have it kept in a transparent container so that she could see it chirp. Then she found a plastic bottle and happily watched the pitiable little captive therein moving about in panic. Her grandma, however, fearing that the cricket might suffocate, punctured a few holes in the plastic bottle with a pair of scissors.

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